All your training stats in one place.

For the Love of Running.
For Runners. By a Runner.
I love this app. After dealing with MapMyRun not supporting the GPS in the Apple Watch and Strava not being accurate with the GPS, I can now use the Apple Workout app which is the most accurate, and I can also see more detailed stats than I could with the other apps. This is the best running app I have used.
I run over 50 miles a week... The app will motivate you and help you plan your training. This maybe my favorite app!
2 years ago I had a massive heart attack… I now run one half marathon a month. Tempo is great for me because when I go to the doctor I can show him all my history in a graphical format and he doesn’t think I’m a crackpot trying to do too much without the right training. Also the trending averages he loves because it shows consistency. We both think it’s a great app!
—Geoff L.
Where has this app been all my life?!? Literally ecstatic to have found this.


Tempo is no fluff, no filler data, no chaotic interface design to waste your time. On launch, it gets straight to the point by bringing your training data front and center for easy analysis and inspiration.

The Dashboard is the Home Screen of the app, and it is packed with insights from glanceable key stats to training stress patterns for the most recent weeks.

Delightfully Powerful

From macro training stats to micro workout data points, Tempo visualizes every detail. All in clear, intuitive, and beautiful design. Every workout generates a lot of amazing data points, and Tempo will present everything to you in a clean and simplified format.

Splits, intervals, maps, routes, it has all. None of it leaves your device. It’s all kept private, and not shared with any servers.

Intensity Calendar

A training intensity visualizer that shows every workout on a calendar with varying sizes and colors to represent workout intensity (strain). This is a powerful tool to help understand training patterns and balance stress, performance, and recovery to avoid overtraining.

Our goals and fitness levels change over the years, and Tempo adapts with us. You can easily configure different thresholds for the intensity calculations to visualize your training even more accurately.

Cumulative Graph

Ever wondered how your training has been progressing. How about for an entire life’s worth of training progression? That’s exactly what Cumulative Graph is for—a progression of your training data on a timeline.


Our training and fitness is never a flat line. There is peak fitness from culmination of months of training, and downtime to rebuild and recover. With Trends, you can easily compare across these different training seasons.

Tempo has a bunch of preset options for the commonly used trending timeframes. You can easily compare last year vs this year, or last 365 days vs last 12 weeks, or select any set of custom date ranges.


Run or Walk, Tempo just works!

The joy and the spirit of being in motion, moving one step after another—walking and running—is the same for all us. While Tempo started as a running app, it has first-class level support for walking workouts. Many avid walkers find Tempo the best training log to maintain and track fitness.


There is so much more.

Apple Watch App

Tempo has a great watch app to track your distance totals on your wrist. It also supports multiple watch complications, so you can see those totals on your favorite watch face.


Tempo’s beautiful widgets bring motivation to your Home Screen. They are tastefully done to look right with your other favorite apps and widgets.


It’s one thing to do a hard workout, it’s entirely different to capture the insights that are revealed as we gut it out. Journaling makes our training more tangible. It focuses into how it felt, how we conquered that hill, and how that breakthrough etched out. Tempo is your personal training journal to enable reflection and capturing that edge we discover during workouts.

Filters & Power Tagging

What good a training log be if we can’t quickly lookup the workouts we are interested in. Tempo supports filtering workout log based on distance and tags with both AND as well as OR match criteria. Results of a filter can be used to apply multiple tags to multiple workouts at the same time.


Tempo is not a data hoarding social network, but it believes in being social—you can easily create a screenshot to share that amazing workout from today with friends and family!


Tempo has extensive settings options to personalize it even more—distance unit, walking workout options, ability to override dark mode, and much more.

With the help and feedback of an amazing community of long-time and new runners, Tempo has been continuously advancing with an amazing set of features to enable every type of runner to thrive and run well. The best way to learn more is by really downloading and trying Tempo for free.

Tempo's Promise.

Privacy First

I can't emphasize this enough—Tempo is built with privacy first as a core principle. Your data is yours. I do not have or want access to it. I will never sell it, or share it with anyone. No ads, no creepy tracking.

Indie + Distance Runner

Tempo is an indie app, built and maintained by a solo developer and a runner for life. There’s no investors to afford free giveaways in the name of fake, exponential growth. Tempo can only sustain as a business by continuously striving to make the best running app better for all of us and earn your support to get paid.

There is a solid and extensive roadmap of great things to come for Tempo, and with your support, I plan to keep running this forever.

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